Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Howdy Y'all!

As we're getting close to completion, the building crew is on a continued tear. We suspect they are all sick of the build site given that we are rapidly approaching 14 months (yep, it has been a long time regardless of how complicated the project turned out to be). At last count, we had stone masons, painters, electricians, plumbers and granite guys onsite at one time. From our end, we are very happy with the activity. As one of our ranch neighbors is fond of saying, "we're only two weeks away from moving in". (Right.)

This week we have the stone masons inside the house finishing the interior Great Room and Foyer wall. This was moving along just fine until we saw the completed arch. Unfortunately, it didn't meet our expectations, so they had to tear it down and start over. The second attempt is much better and will look like what we expected to see.
Setting the wooden buck for the interior arch. 
The Door Guys were back with the wine room door that was removed and replaced with a new one. We've learned quite a bit this go-around about the cooling system, wine probe and insulation. The wine door was replaced because it didn't provide a sufficient "vacuum" in the room for humidity control. Everything is working perfectly now, and just waiting for some wine.

Adding the 'antiqued' look. Pretty artistic.
Do you think I'm eager for a wine delivery?
Following the completion of the tile work in the guest bathrooms, the Glass Guys showed up and installed the glass doors for the shower and tub. The shower glass is a little hard to see, but you get the idea.
Guest Room shower enclosure.
Pool Bath shower enclosure.
Along with the other activities, the Granite Guys finished installing almost all of the granite counters and sinks. The plumbers have been following them from room to room attaching faucets, sink drains and toilets. 
Waiting for the mirrors and the painters.
More mirrors and paint.
Jan's foo-foo master bathroom sink. (Needs some flames painted on it.)
The Concrete Guys have also been busy pouring the Motor Court section in exposed aggregate, and readying the next sections for a Friday pour. By the end of the week they will have acid-washed this section, along with the front walkways.
Motor Court exposed aggregate section (before acid wash).
As you all know, we have installed the rainfall collection system and tank. Unfortunately, up until last week we were bone-dry in the tank, which made us a bit nervous moving into the house with no water. So, last Monday we had 4000 gallons of city water delivered and pumped into the tank. We then commenced drinking a lot of wine and doing rain dances. Well, the Rain Gods felt sorry for us, and delivered 3.4 inches of rain yesterday and last night (great thunder and light show also!). That translated to 21,000 gallons in the tank in one rainfall, and we are expecting more rain tonight. Hopefully, we can get to 35,000 gallons before month's end.
Each ring represents 2000 gallons with the gauge. Halfway to 50,000 gallons!
Texas rainclouds brewing on the horizon.
 But Wait, There's More! 
Jan feeding the happy, happy horses copious amounts of carrots.
That's all for now. See ya later!
- Jan and John - 

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