Saturday, April 20, 2013

Potpourri Week

Howdy Y'all!

This blog update will be a bit of a collection of 'stuff' that has been happening this week. Progress on the house is moving along, as you'll see, but we've also had some additional fun events this week as well.

When we last left you, half of San Marcos was being dug up as fill dirt for our foundation. I'm happy to say that we've probably dug up the rest of it as well to complete the fill dirt requirements. We also had to make some unfortunate, but necessary, pruning decisions with a couple of small Live Oaks along the tree canopy over the proposed driveway.  There are some monster trucks hauling dirt in and we've had a couple of minor scrapes on the top of the trucks. I went out and removed the trees this week, so all is well now. Not really much 'new' to report on the foundation work, other than things are progressing as usual, and according to the project plan. 
More bags....
Luc, the 'intern'

Making progress, and halfway there

Rewinding back a bit to our power installation, the power company came in last week and finally installed our riser pole, which now means we are a week away from going 'hot' for power into the property and to the house.
The elusive riser pole is installed.
But wait, there's more...
Last weekend one of our BFFs from Bellevue, WA, - Gene and Beth Morel - spent the weekend with us and visited our homesite. The Morel's built a beautiful home on Lake Sammamish, so we got some additional advice and insight to consider during the project from some resident experts.

Beth, Gene and Jan at the build site

Notice the designer hats!

A bit of a side diversion to San Antonio for a Segway Tour of the city. (The infamous Alamo is behind us.)

Gene feeding alfalfa 'candy' to the local livestock.
And, even more!!
This weekend was the date of our annual 'roundup' of all the longhorns on the collective ranches for their annual inoculations, de-worming, branding of the new calves, and for some of the unfortunate baby bulls, their time to become 'it' steers. It is also the time when the herd gets thinned as some of the cattle go to auction, and some will become Sunday night dinner. A lot of fun, good camaraderie, and some great lunch eats at Jerry Miller's ranch.

From the yard...
Into the holding pen...

Into the chute...

Some vaccinations....

And back out for some R&R!
But, for some of the baby bulls, not a good day!

That's all for now!
- John and Jan - 

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