Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Beginning of the Next 10 Months

Howdy, Y'al!!

After nearly 9 months of working with our architect (Design Visions of Austin - highly recommended!), selecting a builder (VII Custom Homes - David Lynes), working through the enormous ream of paper necessary to drive a construction loan, and lining up the details of things that aren't part of the builder's process, we are ready to go! Actually, the official start date was yesterday, so we are on our way.

Needless to say, Jan and I have already driven to Austin and San Antonio probably no less that 25 times already, working with the architect, builder, interior designer, and looking at granite blocks, doors, windows, plumbing, lighting, stonework, roof tile, gate examples, appliances, furniture, pools, cement work, etc. There is nothing like the Internet for the efficiency of looking everything up and narrowing down options and decisions, but there is no replacement for actually seeing a product and being able to 'touch and feel' it before making a final selection decision. We'll try and give you a peak at what we've pre-selected during this process, so follow along.

As we post these blogs, we'll also try and share whatever knowledge we have picked up along the way like pulling power into a ranch site (our responsibility to pull the power into the property from the street about 800 feet) , rainwater collection (yes, Folks, no city water or well), keeping the land as natural as possible for the cattle, and Texas Live Oak maintenance. (This should be some of the most inspired reading you'll have in quite awhile, so don't fall asleep!).

Jan next to the Money Tree

Ah yes, the Money Tree. Something that anyone starting on a home building project needs to find as quickly as possible. 

Okay, this is actually a Twilight Crape (part of the Crape and Myrtle family) which we hope to line a portion of the driveway with. Blooms all summer with these incredibly fragrant and massive red or purple flowers (this one is just starting to bud).

Still looking for the real Money Tree.

Staking out the foundation boundary lines

Before one can start the grading and foundation process, one must locate the various points of the house. Each of these stakes represent a corner of an exterior wall, or they are supposed to. (More on that later.) Why the surveyors chose Hot Pink is anyone's guess, but I think they think the cattle will avoid them. No Bucky, the cattle just walk right up to them and knock them over!

Here is another view looking from the front door left to the furthest detached garage by the trees. Pay attention because there will be a Foundation test!

Oh crap, now what?? (Dave, Jeff and George)

Sometimes things aren't quite the way they are supposed to be. When Jan and I finally had a chance to look at the foundation survey (the Hot Pink sticks), we discovered that the front door was just behind this beautiful Live Oak, and that meant that the tree was going to be sitting next to us in the middle of the Dining Room. Jan couldn't quite buy into that, so everybody got cracking in rethinking where the Front Door was actually going to really be located. (Left to right - Dave is the Assistant Project Manager, Jeff is the Project Manager who will be managing the build site, and George is the foundation and concrete contractor assigned to the project. All are really smart and capable guys to have on the project. No, they weren't part of the surveying team.)

Okay, we have it figured out!

After a couple of hours moving things around by about 40 feet (had to get the detached garage out from under the trees) and re-staking the build site, all is well and we can move to the grading process, which George will begin to oversee. Yes!

Jan, supervising from the mobile office

Bruce, Nancy and Jan canoodling

As luck would have it, Bruce and Nancy (great friends!) are building a new home on their ranch as well. They are about 6 weeks ahead of us, their framing is almost complete, and it is going to be a spectacular home! As you might guess, we have lots of great friends making sure that the property is safe, and all is going well.

Here little rattlesnake - where are you??

Lots of trees means lots of clearing that has to be done. And yes, occasionally we run across a critter that you don't want to step on, even with snake boots. Actually, they don't like us anymore than we like them, but they still scare the crap out of you. 

Most of the trees in this area are Live Oaks that are anywhere from 50 to 200 years old, so there is a fair amount of initial clearing to clean out much of the deadwood and debris underneath. And yes, I do know how to do this stuff!

Some recent decisions

Selected Front Door

So far, this is the leading candidate 
for the front entry door.


Selected  Wine Cellar Door

Thought for the day

(above, borrowed from a great friend)

That's all for today. We'll try and update this weekly so that you can share our excitement, (and figure out what room will be yours), as we progress through this long process. Just let us know if you don't want to be on the blog list.

Best regards, 
John and Jan

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