We had a small setback in timing, however, on the foundation work. Once the engineering team laid out the initial foundation stakes and some foundation work began, Jan and I realized we did not like the exact location the architect had defined for the foundation footprint. The house is approximately 200 feet long with the garages, and a 5 degree turn in direction creates a 3-4 foot elevation change because of the topography. We needed to make an adjustment, and even a few feet and degrees of change required that we needed to have the engineers do another resurvey. Of course, it just so happens that the Austin metro area is experiencing a major boom in homebuilding, which has pretty much sucked up most surveying and engineering resources. As a result, we have been delayed about two weeks before the survey team gets back out here to reset the proper staking. So much for the bad news.
The good news is that the architect, builder, engineering, and foundation teams worked as a team to redefine the location, and actually came out with a better plan than we started with. The driveway is repositioned so that we better eliminate any and all potential water ingress issues, and most importantly, Jan and I are thrilled with the new plan. (If you haven't experienced any serious Texas rainstorms, you do not want to have any issues with terrain sloping on your home. Either that, or learn how to build an Arc.) In the meantime, trees are being trimmed, netting is being set up around all of the old Live Oak trees, the water tank is being delivered for the foundation work (we are doing rain collection from our roof, so there is no water on the property yet until we have a roof on the house — more on that later), and some general grading is being completed. We've lost about two weeks of build time, but I have been assured that there is more than enough time in the project plan to make up for the delay. The other good news is that the new project plan has us finishing and moving into our new home before Thanksgiving! (Yes, Chiachi, the betting pool is now open!)
The photos below show the progress that has been made in completing the power distribution into the property. This was a cool process to watch with the Rocksaw, and the team from Canyon Creek Maintenance and the PEC power co-op have done a very professional job in pulling this together.
Power Meter panel/rack poles |
'Laying the pipe' |
Transformer base - pre-concrete |
Done! |
Almost done |
(Notice the skillful and technical use of shadowing by the crack photographer!)
In the meantime, Jan is running around completing the decisions on the front door color, plumbing fixtures, lighting accessories, door handles, exterior stone selection, stucco accent color, roof tile color, and the never-ending quest for the right granite block design. I get to do stuff like Media Room equipment design, HVAC, the sound system for the rest of the house, TV selections, and low voltage security and lighting stuff. (Any guess as to who is having more fun right now?)
Not much more to report, so our next blog will hopefully contain the happy sounds of hammering, sawing, and Mexican mariachi music as foundation forms start getting reset.
See y'all later!
- John and Jan -