Hello Everyone!
I've decided to pull together a travel blog on our upcoming trip to Scotland and France because, like my blog on the building of the Circle B ranch in 2013-2014, I'd like to be able to read about this trip when dementia sets in and I won't know my own name. I'll then be able to read about how much fun we had, even if I won't know who it is about. Yes, sick, but maybe true. If you're interested, I'll be posting something every couple of days with pics at jcbout12.blogspot.com/2019/off-and-running.html.
Our good friends and ranch mates, the Manleys, will be joining us on this trip. They were part of the four-couple trip last year to Italy, which was a blast. Carl and I anticipate imbibing as much great and never-to-be-seen-in-the-US distillery Scotch as we can, and Jan and Susan will chase the major castles, Outlander stones, and sightings of Braveheart. Looking forward to enjoying both.
Our travels to France will be some of the same, except we'll be pursuing outstanding wines in the Bordeaux area, and wonderful champagne in Reims and Epernay. We'll finish the trip with a 3-day power tour for Carl and Susan in Paris and Versailles. Jan and I have been to Paris on a number of occasions, so we'll distill the sightseeing down to the must-sees, and great restaurants.
A huge shout-out to our good friends, the Campbell's, formerly of Scotland, for their excellent suggestions of an itinerary of special things to see and experience in Scotland (and what not to waste time on), and European Travel (Renato) for making all of the arrangements (cars, trains, planes, and hotels, etc.). For multi-destination trips, I can't emphasize how much value a professional planner provides at very little incremental cost. And, you get local support to remedy any surprises that pop up (and they will).
Hopefully, you'll enjoy our trek with us, but if you're expecting Rick Steves, dream on.
Off to pack and get organized for our departure!
John and Jan