Saturday, September 14, 2019


Hello Everyone!

I've decided to pull together a travel blog on our upcoming trip to Scotland and France because, like my blog on the building of the Circle B ranch in 2013-2014, I'd like to be able to read about this trip when dementia sets in and I won't know my own name. I'll then be able to read about how much fun we had, even if I won't know who it is about. Yes, sick, but maybe true. If you're interested, I'll be posting something every couple of days with pics at

Our good friends and ranch mates, the Manleys, will be joining us on this trip. They were part of the four-couple trip last year to Italy, which was a blast. Carl and I anticipate imbibing as much great and never-to-be-seen-in-the-US distillery Scotch as we can, and Jan and Susan will chase the major castles, Outlander stones, and sightings of Braveheart. Looking forward to enjoying both.

Our travels to France will be some of the same, except we'll be pursuing outstanding wines in the Bordeaux area, and wonderful champagne in Reims and Epernay. We'll finish the trip with a 3-day power tour for Carl and Susan in Paris and Versailles. Jan and I have been to Paris on a number of occasions, so we'll distill the sightseeing down to the must-sees, and great restaurants.

A huge shout-out to our good friends, the Campbell's, formerly of Scotland, for their excellent suggestions of an itinerary of special things to see and experience in Scotland (and what not to waste time on), and European Travel (Renato) for making all of the arrangements (cars, trains, planes, and hotels, etc.). For multi-destination trips, I can't emphasize how much value a professional planner provides at very little incremental cost. And, you get local support to remedy any surprises that pop up (and they will).

Hopefully, you'll enjoy our trek with us, but if you're expecting Rick Steves, dream on. 

Off to pack and get organized for our departure!
John and Jan

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Howdy Y'all!

Sadly, this is the last blog post from the Circle B. 

With the exception of finishing the landscape plants (better plants in the spring, so we're going to wait on that), we have completed the final phase of the project. After two months of hard work taming the 'wild' out here, the landscapers have finally loaded their equipment. Of all of our contractors that worked on the house, I have to say that the landscape crew was the best. Hours and hours of moving and shaping dirt, stones, rock walls for the beds, laying grass, installing irrigation, and all with a positive and pleasant attitude every day. But, they are finally outa here!

We've taken some pictures to show you the final results (minus the plants coming in the spring). This is mostly for the benefit of all of you that either haven't visited yet, or aren't neighbors (since they see us almost everyday). For us, the stark difference is the change from just plain ole dirt, to something now manageable. The other noticeable difference is the remarkable absence of dust (well, almost) from pre-landscape days. (After having changed all of the filters in the house twice in 3 months, it gets a bit pricey.)

First of all, we have to start with a pic of sunrise in San Marcos during this time of year. Almost makes you want to get up early! (Okay, not.)
Sunrise at the Circle B.

Looking out the front door.
View from the parking area.
Same view, different angle.
Parking stalls for select ranch mates. (Yes, you know who you are....)
The 'Circle B'. (Our mason had a few too many beers.)
Detached garage waiting for new grass (and plants) next week.
The Arch. Mandatory Tuscan design element :-).
View of the side walkway to the front door.
Same view, different angle.
More of the side walkway to the driveway.
Moving to the backyard, we've had some changes there as well.
Patio deck before the staining process last week.

Patio deck after the stain was applied.
Same patio deck, different view.
Outdoor bar and BBQ area. A 'must have' for all carnivores!
Upper pool deck.
Lower pool deck/patio.
Thank God for sod. Instant grass!
Well, that's about it. We want to thank y'all for helping keep us sane during this long journey, and remember that there is always a guest room here with your name on it. Come visit us, y'hear!

All our best to you and yours,
 - John and Jan - 

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Howdy Y'all!

Now that we are in the house, we've been asked by a number of you to add the post move-in pictures since we are almost completely out of the boxes (90%). This will probably be our last post, and for those of you that have traveled the journey from ground-breaking to where we are today, we thank you for sharing our adventure. Remember that y'all are welcomed here anytime, so come on down; we'd love to see you!

Since we last posted an update, we've added the perimeter fencing and gates around the immediate house, and the landscapers have been busy moving dirt, building stone planters, and generally creating some serious dust. The good news is that it is shaping up to be exactly what we wanted in the design, and the landscapers are about 2-3 weeks from completion. The challenge has been whether to move ahead and plant the growies now during the long stretch of Texas 100 degree summer weather, or wait until late fall to plant. We'll probably split the difference and plant some now, and the remainder when the weather cools down a bit to conserve our precious irrigation rainwater.

Thankfully, with the exception of the perennial 'punch list' that every new house has, we have been pretty happy so far (ignoring the blue tape Jan has in various places in the house). We've had some teething problems with a couple of items, but those have been sorted out. My biggest problem has been in finding which drawer, cabinet, closet, etc., Jan put things away in, and then trying to remember without asking again. I'm too old for memorization games!

We've assembled some pictures below, but please remember that we used a wide angle lens, so things and rooms look larger than they really are. Also, we have not yet hung all of the art, so there will be some walls that look extremely bare as we try to match a painting with the right room setting. And, some furniture still has to be purchased, so something might look like it is missing. The good news for us is the house has become our home after 16 long months.

New front auto gate and side railings. (Couldn't get grapes.)
Railings and front people entrance gate.
Clearing the debris from under the Live Oaks.
View from the main gate entrance.
And, closer in! (Plants are coming!)
3-rail split cedar perimeter fencing finally installed.
View from the back of the house.
View from the back planter wall.
Pool side view. Missing the beers.
Back patio and outdoor kitchen area. Yes, everything works.
Patio (waiting for stain finish) and fireplace.
Watching the Infinity Edge doing its thing.
Moving indoors, as we previously mentioned, we've finally gotten things organized and functioning normally. Jan and I have reflected on how we survived living together in an apartment for the last couple of years, but the memory is fading quickly.
Foyer entrance into the Great Room.
Looking back towards the front door.
Main Kitchen view outward to the backyard.
Reverse view towards the front door.
View of the Prep/Utility Kitchen.
The other direction.
Dining Room still minus the artwork.
Master Suite hallway.
Media Room seating for seven, or sleeping for two :-)
Reverse Media Room view. (Jan is napping.)
Master Bedroom view.
A different view.
Master Bathroom (aka Jan's bathroom).
Completed shower.
One of the Guest bedrooms and bath.
Second Guest bedroom and bath.
Well, that's about it. Again, Jan and I thank you for sharing this journey with us, and for all of your support along the way. As we said before, our door is always open, so don't be a stranger; come and see us!

Our very best to all of you,
- Jan and John - 
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much 
(borrowed from Cousin Stephanie)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Howdy Y'all!

Yes, we're finally in the house! 

Y'all probably thought we forgot about you, since its been about 3-4 weeks since we last posted. (It is hard to believe that after 15 months of almost a daily ritual, we have finally arrived at the point where we are no longer observing, but now participating.) We've literally been up to our eyeballs in packing, moving, and now unpacking and discovering all of the goodies we've had in storage for two and a half long years. It's like Christmas in July!

Jan, who is a cross between Attila the Hun and the Energizer Bunny, has been incredible in terms of organizing all of the packing and unpacking. We've used one of our garages as a staging area for all of the boxes, so it has been nice not to have the clutter of boxes in any room in the house. The biggest concern is finding a home for the important stuff, and discarding those things that we haven't needed for two years, but had in storage. (We are making Salvation Army happy campers!) I just open boxes and move stuff, while she is the key determiner of what goes in what cabinet, and where. (This means I'll spend the next year asking where the hell everything is.) But hey, we're finally in.

Unfortunately, not everything is done yet. We just had our perimeter fence put in around the house, and the landscapers are just getting started moving copious amounts of dirt all around. There is still a small punch list with the builder that they are working on, but essentially, everything is plugging along. The best part (as we've expressed to friends here in Bridlewood) is that we don't have to drive 25 miles round trip back to the apartment every day! 

Here is a set of views of the back of the house now that it has been completed. 
Weird panoramic view from the fence. Pool looks bigger than it actually is.
Working hard on unpacking.
Part of the move-in process has been getting new furniture that fits the individual room. All of it was delivered this week, so Jan is still in the process of rearranging for the umpteenth time. Eventually, we'll get to sit in it.
Master Bedroom, minus the artwork.
Great Room, minus the artwork.
More Great Room.
Kitchen and Eating area.
Prep Kitchen.
Powder Room, minus the artwork.
Media Room, minus the TV.
Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks we will have overcome the challenge of the great unpacking, and better pictures will reflect the effort Jan will have put into the decorating. But hey, we're finally in!

But Wait, There's More!
We decided to have some of our ranch mates over on July 4th, even though we really couldn't find anything we put away. But, we managed to have a great time and celebrate another birthday for America.
Cindy, Nancy and Jan redesigning the furniture.
Jerry and Bruce.
That's all for now. See ya later!
- John and Jan -